Saturday, March 29, 2008

Time Crisis

Ever watch 24? I never do, but I understand the premise. Like Jack it is crunch time, only he is fighting terrorists and I am here at college. My terror is real though. Real quick info: It was suppose to be my last somewhere, but along the way I was suppose to complete 3 more credits. I am now one class away from wearing black robes and a hat with a silly tassel I would through into the air. So... I guess that whole boring graduation thing will have to wait till later. Yes, I digress, college suddenly became really tough with essays, exams, projects, and more projects. I digress some more, like 24, my life has a digital clock reminding me how much time I have left. Tick Tick Tick... I am suppose to figure out the mind-blowing problems and complete impossible tasks within 24 hours. Oh but wait, I need to mention in all that school hoopla, I also need to attend a wedding reception, attend a mandatory performance of Mozart's three hour opera, The Magic Flute, And to top everything off I need to pack up and move out by of my flat by Monday. Monday also happens to be the day I am suppose to finish and post a website AND I have turn in a paper on the Independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan. And here I am now, not packing, not editing XHTML/CSS files, and not researching how the Mukti Bahini liberation fighters used guerrilla tactics against the Razakar Islamic extremist groups and the tyrannical military of W. Pakistan in 1971.

Doesn't seem like a good time to plead for an extension? Maybe reset the ticking 24 clock? On the website? I could maybe, hopefully, probably hold back the date. On the Bangladesh paper? Not a chance. It is actually the third chapter of a group paper that explains the liberation of India from British rule, the creation of Pakistan from India, and then my part about Bangladesh. My research paper comrades will have their parts done and will be ready to turn them in on time. Imagine the embarrassment if I didn't get my part completed. Sad faces, I am sure.

You know what? I am pretty positive everything will work out just fine. While the clock is counting down, Jack Bower might get hurt, his daughter might get kidnapped, and he might kill someone he trusted, but in the end he saves the people he was hired to protect, right? I never watched more than an episode, but isn't that what a true hero does in the name of America? Well, Jack Bower, if you are out there, you have 24 hours to do my paper, finish a website, and move my crap. If you can do that, I will happily call you my hero. Time's a ticking...

1 comment:

Emily G said...

Hahahaha, and yet you found the time to post a big old complainy blog? Jokes, jokes, I do the same thing.

One class short, eh? I shake my fists at the sky for you. Summer school? That's how I ended my crazy Rexburg trip. Just one thing at a time, m'boy.....

Oh, weird. I just realized. I dreamed about your damn cats last night. Faye was real nice to me but one cat named Duncan or Bunyan or Sanford or something really had it in for me, claws out and everything. I found out he could walk on hind legs and talk and he demanded caffeine. It was weird.