Sunday, March 25, 2007

The worst kind of insomnia

This is a nightly tradition. I get tired at about 10pm after I am done hanging out at friends places. It will start while I watch some futurama or some lame movie on TNT. I doze off for a few mins on the couch. I wake up and realize how tired I am. I switch from my formal work clothes to my pjs and prep for bed. Right before I hit my pillow and dream the night away, I check the typical sites for emails, messages, comments, friend requests, and bullitens. All of these details are almost like caffine; addictive and stimulating. The process is the same, read posts, repond to posts, refresh home page, wait, refresh home page, wait some more, get an email saying my myspace has been hacked and that I have apparently been broadcasting how to pictures of hot girls on your celphone by texting to a certain number, delete post, and then give up. I am awake. I take a pill, lie down again and wait. The waiting continues. I figet. I toss. The pill isn't working! My alarm clock has fallen off my nightstand! It could be 2am, 3am, or even 5am! I have to be up by 8am! Is that going to be possible? I try to read. There is nothing to read. In the past 2 weeks, I have finished 2 Hellboy graphic novels and Ayn Rand's Anthem. I need something new. When is that new Harry Potter book coming out? Not soon enough! (harry potter always puts me to sleep - took me 3 year to finish the first six) Anyway, after frustration and dispair, I eventually drift off and fall asleep.
For 2 hours.
I don't know why I do, but sometimes I have a tendancy to wake up in the middle of the night. I shift position and sometimes hit my head on the bedpost or on the top bunk. (I bunk with my friend Trevor, he on top, me down below). The pain stings and I feel the knot grow on my head. I am fully awake again.

Dark circles have always existed under my eyes.

1 comment:

Cryptobadger said...

Thou shalt not check email/blogs before bed. That jacks me up in the worst way.

What's been working for my insomnia lately is the reading before bedtime, and it's gotta be dry. I just finished Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Faulkner is also good. I'm going to be starting on Moby Dick soon too. I guarantee, you won't be awake for long.

Other good recommendations: Kafka (good at triggering that dream-like hallucinatory state).

Bad choices: Hemingway, Crichton, Tolkien, any sci-fi. Any comics.

Worst choice: Stephen King. Really bad. Like really, really bad.