Thursday, December 06, 2007

For about 5 days last week I had a serious migraine, pretty much felt like a tumor. I also have a problem with remembering things. I am pretty forgetful. So now I conveniently blame my everything on my fake tumor and I tell people I have apparently met before that my new self diagnosed tumor is why i can't remember their names or faces or that I even met them just yesterday. Still being forgetful is awful. I never know where I might have left my keys, billfold of money, jumpdrive, homework assignments, or what I had for dinner last night. I heard that Chimps have a short-term memory that is superior to humans, they might even have me on the long term. Perhaps I need to get that Nintendo DS game that exercises the brain memory muscle or perhaps it is time for me to really get a CATscan.

It's down to the end of the semester. I have maybe 5 or 6 more projects to start and finish within one more week.
I actually have 2 papers and a 2 min presentation to give tomorrow. I haven't prepped anything for any of this stuff. Supposedly I was to have read a book something like... "Seven deadly habits of Highly Effective self-absorbed people..." the title sounds right to me...

How am I able to pass my classes? I am uber-lazy when it comes to homework. Still I get everything done. Still I see issues with Media law... I don't know if I am going to pass that though. I haven't been testing so hot. Thankfully there is a secret going around that the professor will curve the whole class up from an F to a C. I am shooting for an C-
OH man, I just remembered that I have an online test in my Broadcasting class to finish by tomorrow. I have to keep that in mind and not let my tumor block that note to self.

I am busy at school, to be honest. Not as busy as I could be. I have projects, not really stuff to 'study.' Projects cut into my "ME" time. I haven't had time for any video games though (ahem WoW). I just don't play that much, but I am finding ME time when I am busy watching a lot of South Park episodes and making beautifully Awesome CD mixes for myself (the new one I have been working on is AWESOME in my opinion). Sometimes I grab a lazer pointer and flash it on the wall and have my cat chase it. This may be the best part of the day.

I am not a huge fan of Christmas. I worked in retail for years, so I really despise shopping and jolly xmas music, but for some reason (I guess because I have mad party skills) I have been chosen by a few of my friends to help throw an exclusive xmas party. We titled it the "Semi-Formal Indie Hipster Christmas Gala" It is going to be a large, invite only party. We, the planning committee meet every MWF at lunch and discuss invitations, decorations, and activities. We don't take it all that serious. This makes me chuckle because of all the ridiculous activities and fun we might have.
Here are a few things we are doing: Potluck, Save-The-manatees pinata bashing, Air guitar Contest, oh and my favorite - an male santa's helper elven stripper. This party could get out of hand if people spike the egg nog. Doubtful.

Anyway, So there have been some self awareness thoughts that I must discuss.
Where in my life did I go from a diligent studious student with direction and passion for creating Arts and all those good grades I use to think were important? Now, I really think people believe I am a lazy-nogood-partier with lack of direction. I am all of that, but I am not at the same time. I don't even drink, but my friends all voted me one of the people most likely to hold their liquor. Nyquil makes me hallucinate. These same friends don't think I have a solid work ethic and I am the most likely to skip class. I guess... I just think about life differently. I use to work hard in high school. I wanted to compete with my brother's grades, but there is no beating a 5.0. I worked hard, not for me, but for the praises of others; parents and high school guidance councilors that told me that I was one of the most successful students in my graduation class. Still that was 10 years ago. Most of my high school class probably don't even remember what happened to them in college after their binges. Yet, my current friends are wrong. I am not lazy, I am not a partier. They just don't know all the facets of me. I really like to have a good time and be social. I do procrastinate homework... this is true. Probably true for 90% of the population.
What my friends don't know is that I have a SOLID work ethic in my place of employment. I am ON TOP of everything my job. I demand respect and I know my stuff.
Years ago in high school I read Charles Dicken's Great Expectations. I don't remember who they guys were, but Pip went over to these guys house after they finished their day of work. They said something to Pip along the lines that they keep their work and home life separate. This philosophy always made sense to me. So here I am keeping my school, my work, and my personal life... MOSTLY separate. Damn the days I have to bring homework to my home. It interrupts my lazer-cat-show and my South Park episodes time.
I still need direction. Perhaps I should really look into internships and get out of college in the year 2008.